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Let’s be honest, no summer is complete without a splash in the pool or a visit to the beach. But if you wear a wig or hairpiece, just having a little fun in the water becomes a challenge. Should I swim with my wig on? Will it ruin my hair? What if it comes off? These are real concerns that can drastically change a relaxing day under the sun to feeling insecure and self-conscious in a matter of seconds. 

Does that mean you need to leave your head bare? 

Unless that’s something you feel comfortable doing, the short answer is no! That’s not to say there aren’t any risks in taking your wig for a swim, but with proper preparation and care, it is possible to enjoy your favorite water activity without losing your wig style. 


Beware of Chlorine and Salt

Now before we get into the fun stuff, there are two things you should consider: 

Chlorine is a toxic chemical used in swimming pool to keep the water clean and sanitary. While useful as a disinfectant, it is a very harsh substance that can stretch out your wig and cause discoloration to the hairs on your wearable. Similarly, salt can do just as much damage. Overexposure to the mineral will leave your hair dull, brittle, and lifeless.  Even with proper care and treatment, continuous exposure to these harsh substances will shorten the lifespan of your hair. 

So with all things considered, If you still decide to wear your wig, then great! You’re ready for the next part. 


Keep Your Wig in Place with the Right Adhesive 

Typical glue or tape may work on a regular basis, but not all will sustain the pressure from diving and jumping. To ensure that your wig and hairpiece is up for any situation,  make sure to choose an adhesive that is water-based and water-proof. We highly recommend the Roll-On Adhesive and Adhesive Tape Strips. Feel free to use one or both simultaneously to ensure maximum security!  Just remember, always make that the adhesive dries completely before you go into the water.

If you still have doubts on the effectiveness of your adhesives, try a swim cap for peace of mind. Depending on the type of water activity you engage in, accessories like hats, bandanas, headbands, headscarfs or turbans will also do the trick. Just be careful when removing your cap or any other hair product so that you don’t pull off your wig with it.  



Cheaper is Better

This is the time when the best might not be for the best. As we have mentioned earlier, overexposure to chlorine and salt will damage both synthetic hair and human hair. One way to combat the damage is by giving your wearable the care it needs. This involves cleaning and conditioning your wig or hairpiece thoroughly to get rid of all the harmful substance and replenish the moisture that was lost in the process. That being said, we still highly recommend using synthetic hair over human hair for two reasons. One, synthetic hair is lighter and holds its shape better when it gets wet. Second, they are much cheaper to replace. 



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